
The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), the European Commission (EC) and the European Union accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site.
EUSPA maintains this website to enhance public access to information about Galileo. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.

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  • Of a mostly general nature and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;
  • Not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date;
  • Often linked to external sites over which EUSPA has no control and for which EUSPA assumes no responsibility;
  • Not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).

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Privacy statement regarding the protection of personal data in relation to the European GNSS Service Centre (GSC) web portal

EUSPA is committed to protect your personal data and to respect your privacy. All personal data are dealt with in compliance with the applicable rules on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data (currently Regulation (EU) No 2018/1725).

The present privacy statement outlines the criteria by which EUSPA collects, manages and uses your personal data in relation to the GSC web portal. It further explains the rights you have in relation to your personal data and specifies the contact details of the responsible Data Controller with whom you may exercise your rights, of the Data Protection Officer and of the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Identity of the Controller and Data Protection Officer:

  • Controller: European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), Head of Galileo Exploitation Department; helpdesk@gsc-europa.eu (in case this email account is not available, users will be informed of the alternative e-mail address).
  • DPO: European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), Data Protection Officer; dpo@euspa.europa.eu

Identity of the Processors:

Galileo Service Operator – Spaceopal GmbH, Arnulfstrasse 58, 80335 Munich, Germany.

Purpose of processing:

  • GSC web portal registration: the purpose of the processing is the establishment of a database of registered users on the GSC web portal (“GSC internal user database”) in order to allow registered users to:
    • access the GSC helpdesk service;
    • subscribe to email notifications on (1) Newsletters on European GNSS related performances/activities (performance reports, updates of the European GNSS Programme documentation, Galileo User Satisfaction survey, invitation to European GNSS related events, specific market studies etc.), (2) automatic notifications on Notice Advisory to Galileo Users (“NAGU”), (3) automatic notifications on Galileo products access availability (Galileo Almanac, Galileo Ephemeris, Galileo Clocks and Galileo Orbits) and (4) notifications generated by incoming services to which the user could eventually subscribe.
  • GSC helpdesk service provided to registered users: the purposes of the processing are:
    • the management of queries submitted by registered users;
    • the possibility to include tools in the “GNSS Simulation and Testing Tool Infrastructure” (GSTI);
    • the management of Galileo Signal in Space (SiS) incidents reports submitted by registered users;
    • the management of archived products requests submitted by registered users.
    • the management of Galileo PRN Spreading Code Assignment requests submitted by registered users.
  • GSC helpdesk service for non-registered users: the purposes of the processing are:
    • the management of queries submitted by e-mail;
    • the possibility to include tools in the “GNSS Simulation and Testing Tool Infrastructure” (GSTI) through requests submitted by e-mail;
    • the management of archived products requests submitted by e-mail.
  • High Accuracy Service (HAS) Internet Data Distribution: the purposes of the processing are:
    • to allow registered users to receive Galileo HAS corrections through the Ntrip protocol (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol);
    • to allow registered users to receive HAS IDD notifications in case of relevant service events. For receiving such notifications, users shall give a separate explicit consent when registering to the HAS IDD service.
    • to analyse the overall interest of the proposed use case as the granting of connections will be based on its innovation, its benefits to the EU, the existing cooperation agreements with third countries for the use and promotion of EU-GNSS and the need to preserve the security, integrity and resilience of the Galileo System and related services
  • Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA): the purposes of the processing are:
    • to allow registered users to access OSNMA products;
    • to allow registered users to receive OSNMA notifications in case of relevant service events. For receiving such notifications, users shall give a separate explicit consent when registering to the OSNMA service.

Data/categories of data concerned:

  • GSC web portal registration: users submit the following data when registering to the GSC web portal through the registration form (https://www.gsc-europa.eu/user/register):
    • username, email address, first and last name.

In case the user does not provide this data, the registration process cannot be completed.

After the registration, the user is invited to voluntarily add some additional personal information (country, function, organisation, type of organisation, type of business or sector) and preferences (market, Galileo services).

  • Additionally, users may further authorise the processing of their personal data for the following purposes:
    • Subscription to email notifications concerning (1) Newsletter on European GNSS related performances/activities, (2) Notice Advisory to Galileo Users (“NAGU”) and (3) Galileo products access availability: only users already registered (i.e. having provided the data mentioned under the first bullet point above) may subscribe to email notifications on automatic products availability notifications, newsletters on European GNSS related performances/activities and automatic NAGU notifications. Data subjects may provide the following additional data, which however are not necessary for the purpose of subscribing to any of the afore mentioned services: country of residence, professional function, organisation, type of organisation, type of business sector;
    • GSC helpdesk service: only users already registered (i.e. having provided the data mentioned under the first bullet point above) may access the GSC helpdesk service (by using the same ‘username’ when registered through the registration form); there is no need for data subjects to provide any additional personal data;
    • For the Galileo PRN Spreading Code Assignment requests, only users already registered (i.e. having provided the data mentioned under the first bullet point above) may submit such requests, which require the provision of additional mandatory personal data (i.e., Title, Organization, Telephone, Fax, Address, System Name, Sponsoring Government, ITU filling information, Information related to the requested PRN Code, Justification further request, evidences of interference analysis) for contact purposes and to assess the overall application.
    • GSC incident reporting: only users already registered (i.e. having provided the data mentioned under the first bullet point above) may access the GSC incident reporting function; there is no need for data subjects to provide any additional personal data, as the only data that must be provided are related to the incident which is reported (e.g. latitude and longitude of incident’s location, number of occurrences of the incident etc.)
    • HAS Internet Data Distribution: only users who have completed the registration may request access to this service, which requires the provision of additional personal data (area of activity/market segment, purpose of the HAS IDD use, access duration, detailed description of intended HAS use) for EUSPA to assess the overall interest of the proposed use case.
    • OSNMA: only users who have completed the registration may request access to OSNMA products, which does not require the provision of additional personal data.
  • Alternatively, unregistered users may contact the GSC Helpdesk and the GSC incident reporting through e-mail ("helpdesk@gsc-europa.eu" or alternative account duly notified to users in case of unavailability of the previous one). In this case, users' email address will be necessary in order to address the users' queries or requests to the GSC Helpdesk service through e-mail. In case the user does not provide this data, the process cannot be completed and no answer will be provided by GSC Helpdesk.

Recipients/categories of recipients of the data processed:

Access to personal data is granted on the basis of the “need to know” principle to a limited number of:

  • Staff of the EC;
  • Staff of the EUSPA;
  • Staff of EUSPA contractors, under the Galileo Service Operator Contract (ref: GSA/CD/14/14), in charge of:
    • GSC operations (including user service management);
    • GSC web-portal infrastructure provision, maintenance and evolution;
  • Staff of EUSPA contractors in charge of:
    • providing web services for EUSPA's website www.gsc-europa.eu (such as website design, website hosting including cloud services etc.);
    • the evolution of the supporting infrastructure.
  • Staff of EUSPA contractors, under the Galileo Service Operator Contract in charge of the "helpdesk@gsc-europa.eu" mailbox maintenance.
  • Staff of EUSPA contractors, under the Galileo Service Operator Contract in charge of the "helpdesk@mailbox.gsc-europa.eu" mailbox maintenance and hosting in case the "helpdesk@mailbox.gsc-europa.eu" is active which will be duly communicated to the users:


  • HAS IDD user’s organisation: this would be the case when the users:
    • request access in their capacity as members of an organisation and they volunteer to share their credentials with other members of the organisation;
    • request access in their capacity as members of an organisation for which the maximum capacity has been reached. In such case, users will be invited to liaise with their organisation to understand if another access could be revoked in favour of their request.

Any questions received pertaining to EGNOS or GPS could potentially be shared with the EGNOS service provider and the United States Navigation Centre (US-NAVCEN) respectively. In such a case, only the content of the question is shared without the transfer of any other personal data.

Any recipient shall be reminded of its obligation not to use the data received for other purposes than the one for which they were transmitted.

Legal basis/Lawfulness of processing:

Processing is based on the consent of the data subjects (Article 5(1)(d) of Regulation 2018/1725).

More specifically:

  • GSC web portal registration: all data subjects interested in registering as users must declare their consent to the treatment of their personal data with the modalities indicated in the present privacy statement for the purpose of establishing a database of registered users, by filling-in an online consent form. Only data subjects which consent to such treatment may proceed with the registration. The consequences of absence/non-provision of the information marked as "mandatory" in the registration form are the inability to create an account in the database and, consequently, to have the user included in the GSC registered user database (and to request the further services indicated below)
  • Subscription to email notifications: only users who have completed the registration may access this service; by subscribing to such notifications users declare their informed consent to the further treatment of the personal data which they provided during the registration process or of any additional data they may provide during this step of the process.
  • GSC helpdesk service: only users who have completed the registration may access this service, which does not require the provision of any further personal data, except for the "mandatory" data that are required for the Galileo PRN Spreading Code Assignment requests, as described above; by contacting the helpdesk, users declare their informed consent to the further treatment of the personal data which they provided during the registration process.
  • HAS Internet Data Distribution: only users who have completed the registration may requests access to this service, which requires the provision of additional personal data, as defined in section ‘Data/categories of data concerned’ above; by requesting access to this service, users declare their informed consent to the further treatment of the personal data which they provided during the registration process.
  • OSNMA: only users who have completed the registration may request access to OSNMA products, which does not require the provision of additional personal data, as defined in section ‘Data/categories of data concerned’ above; by requesting access to this service, users declare their informed consent to the further treatment of the personal data which they provided during the registration process.
  • GSC incident reporting: users who have completed the registration may access this service, which does not require the provision of any further personal data; by reporting an incident, users declare their informed consent to the further treatment of the personal data which they provided during the registration process.

Alternatively, all users may access the GSC helpdesk service through e-mail which only requires the provision of the e-mail address. In this case, by sending an e-mail to the GSC helpdesk, users declare their informed consent to the further treatment of the personal data.

Information on the retention period and storage locations of personal data:

All personal data are stored on the servers of EUSPA or of its contractors mentioned above (under the section on “recipients of the data”), which are located in the EU and abiding by the necessary security provisions.

Personal data is kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection:

  • The retention period for the processing operations 1, 2, 4, and 5 mentioned above is 10 (ten) years;
  • The retention period for the processing operation 3 mentioned above and for any personal data submitted via e-mail to helpdesk@mailbox.gsc-europa.eu is 3 days. In exceptional circumstances, owing to the unavailability of the relevant IT tool, the retention period may be extended to 30 days for the purpose of moving the personal data to servers located within the European GNSS Service Centre and removing them from the cloud servers.

In order to protect your personal data, EUSPA has put in place a number of technical and organisational measures. Technical measures include appropriate actions to address online security, risk of data loss, alteration of data or unauthorised access, taking into consideration the risk presented by the processing and the nature of the personal data being processed. Organisational measures include restricting access to the personal data solely to authorised persons with a legitimate need to know for the purposes of this processing operation.

EUSPA’s processors (contractors) are bound by a specific contractual clause for confidentiality and for any processing operations of your personal data on behalf of EUSPA. The processors have to put in place appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the level of security, required by EUSPA.

Erasure of users’ personal data:

Users’ personal data will be deleted in the following cases:

  • once the 10-year retention period indicated under section “Information on the retention period and storage locations of personal data” above expires;
  • once a user is no longer registered at the GSC web portal. Users can unregister either from the personal area through the tab "edit" and button "Cancel Account", or by sending an email to helpdesk@gsc-europa.eu or alternative e-mail account duly notified to users in case of unavailability of the previous one.
  • if the GSC stops providing its services;
  • if a user revokes consent to the processing as explained under the section “the data subjects’ rights” below;
  • if a user exercises his/her right of erasure of personal data and the statutory provisions explained under the section “the data subjects’ rights” below are met

In all the cases above, the following modalities will apply:

  1. In case the 10-year retention period has expired or in case the GSC stops providing its services:
    • personal data will be deleted from all storage locations
  2. In case the 10-year retention period has not expired and the GSC continues providing its services:
    • personal data in the GSC operational databases will be deleted immediately, with the exception of the users’ personal data which are stored in the “Jira Service Desk”; the personal data from the “Jira Service Desk” are deleted manually at frequent intervals, therefore the deletion may not be immediate;
    • personal data present in backups (i.e. for archiving purposes) will not be deleted before the expiry of the 10-year retention period, however adequate safeguards are in place to ensure that the personal data of data subjects who have withdrawn consent will not be reintroduced to the operational databases in case an archived backup is restored

The data subjects’ rights:

Data subjects have the right:

  • to obtain confirmation as to whether or not their personal data are being processed, access the data and obtain detailed information on the processing;
  • of rectification of inaccurate personal data;
  • of erasure of personal data if the statutory provisions1 are met and subject to provisions under section "Erasure of users' personal data" above
  • of restriction of processing if the statutory provisions2 are met;
  • to data portability;
  • to withdraw their consent to processing of their personal data at any time – this shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing which occurred before such withdrawal;
  • to lodge a complaint at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) at edps@edps.europa.eu should they consider that the processing operations do not comply with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

Any request for the exercise of any of the abovementioned rights shall be addressed at helpdesk@gsc-europa.eu or alternative e-mail account duly notified to users in case of unavailability of the previous one; data subjects are kindly requested to describe their requests explicitly.

Contact information:

  • Regarding the processing of your personal data: helpdesk@gsc-europa.eu or alternative e-mail account duly notified to users in case of unavailability of the previous one.
  • Regarding the interpretation, application or breach of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725: EUSPA Data Protection Officer (DPO) at dpo@euspa.europa.eu.

1 Currently Article 19 Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

2 Currently Article 20 Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.