Download Galileo NeQuick G source code

An implementation of Galileo NeQuick G algorithm, written in the C programming language standard 2011, is now available for all Galileo users. The source code is divided into:

  • The Galileo NeQuick G JRC library (src/lib),
  • the test driver program (src),
  • and several directories with self-explanatory names. The extensions that can be found for the different files are those related to C (.c and .H), some plain text files, the MODIP and CCIR files corresponding to the original NeQuick distribution, some make files (according to the compiler that is to be used), some configuration (.cfg) and perl (.pl).

The Galileo NeQuick G algorithm implementation is available for registered users after access request.

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More information on the performance of the JRC Galileo NeQuick G algorithm implementation can be found here.

Galileo NeQuick G model for single frequency users

The Galileo NeQuick G model algorithm is developed to help single-frequency receivers to estimate the ionospheric delay. Using an adaptation of the NeQuick ionosphere electron density model for Galileo, referred as Galileo NeQuick G, single frequency receivers are able to correct the errors introduced by the ionospheric propagation delay.

Users shall follow indications provided in the reference document "Ionospheric Correction Algorithm for Galileo Single Frequency Users" in order to implement the ionospheric algorithm for Galileo single frequency receivers. The document contains definitions, step-by-step procedures and complementary files required to support Galileo NeQuick G in the receivers.