Please fill in the following form to request access to the Galileo HAS Internet Data Distribution.

The IDD service has a limited capacity that will evolve over time. Granting of connections will be based on the information provided by the applicants and will take into account the overall interest of the proposed use case, its innovation, its benefits to the EU, the existing cooperation agreements with third countries for the use and promotion of EU-GNSS and the need to preserve the security, integrity and resilience of the Galileo System and related services. Furthermore a limited number of accounts will be granted to each organisation.

The information provided by the applicants will only be used for Galileo HAS purposes and will be disclosed to the European Commission and the Galileo Service Operator Contractor only.

If you are not able to see the form, please login with your GSC credentials. If you are not a GSC registered user yet, please access the registration form.

Please read the Terms and Conditions below and check the box "Yes, I have read, understood and accept the Terms and Conditions to access the Galileo HAS Internet Data Distribution interface". By checking that box you indicate your clear and irrevocable acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

Note that the box to accept the Terms and Conditions only appears if you are logged in.


Terms and Conditions

Users of the HAS Internet Data Distribution Interface shall comply with The Terms and Conditions defined in this section to use the HAS Internet Data Distribution interface complementing the general conditions defined in the HAS Service Definition Document (SDD). These elements must be explicitly accepted by the user before submitting the registration request.

Users undertake:

  • To use HAS for civil and professional/commercial purposes (or for any other purposes as specifically authorised by EUSPA on a case-by-case basis);
  • To access the HAS data respecting the guidelines included in the HAS Internet Data Distribution ICD current and future versions as provided by EUSPA to the users;
  • To provide information about the HAS usage when requested by the HAS Service provider (EUSPA) not more than once per year within 1 month from the receipt of the request;
  • To notify EUSPA through the Galileo Helpdesk ( about any relevant update impacting the information provided in the registration form (point of contact, contact details, description and purpose of HAS use) at the latest 2 weeks before the change;
  • To inform EUSPA through the Galileo Helpdesk ( of any temporary discontinuation of the HAS usage, indicating the expected timeframe to resume the use of HAS. Otherwise, accounts showing no activity (i.e. no connections to the HAS Internet Data Distribution Interface) for 3 months or more may be revoked by EUSPA;
  • Not to transfer/disclose the credentials provided to any third party. In cases where the access have been granted to users in their capacity as a member of an organisation, users undertake not to transfer/disclose the credentials outside of their organisation.

Due to the limited capacity, only a limited number of accounts may be granted to each organisation. Users requesting access in their capacity as a member of an organisation accept that their access might be revoked in future upon a request of their organisation. Any HAS Internet Data Distribution user failing to meet any of the above conditions may have its access to the HAS Internet Data Distribution interface revoked. In case of breach of the above terms and conditions, an e-mail notification will be sent to the concerned user notifying the breach, requesting to implement remedial actions in a given time frame (which will depend on the severity of the non-compliance) and giving the possibility to the users to provide observations in relation thereto within a given timeframe. If no satisfactory remedial actions are implemented by the user within the given time frame, the user account will be revoked unless otherwise decided by EUSPA.

In case of revocation EUSPA will duly notify the user.


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