How to use the database of tools?

The GSTI tools database is available to all interested users under the “Support to Developers” menu. Moreover, users can access particular features to find tool(s) corresponding to their needs:

  • Search by Name: You can specify the tool name you are looking for;
  • Search by Category: You can select the category of the tool from a given list (e.g. Software Receiver);
  • Free text search: You can specify the key characteristics, features, or name of the tool you are looking for;
  • Search by GNSS Signal: You can select the compatible GNSS services given from a list (e.g. GPS (SPS));
  • Search by Location: You can search the tool based on where it is located (Country, City);

How to choose the tool that best suits your needs?

The tools have been classified in different categories depending on the functionalities they provide. The available categories are described below.

RF signal generator

An RF GNSS signal generator (or simulator) recreates the RF signal(s) broadcast by satellite(s). RF GNSS signal generators can simulate several types of environment faced by GNSS receivers, such as multipath, urban canyons, etc. One of the main objectives of these tools is to enable the testing of the whole GNSS receiver’s chain in the laboratory.


Software (SW) signal generator

A signal generator is a software tool capable of simulating or modelling:

  • GNSS signals;
  • GNSS signals propagation and corresponding environmental effects (ionosphere, troposphere, multipath, Doppler, etc.);
  • GNSS signals processing by a configurable GNSS receiver.

A software signal generator is useful for testing GNSS receiver algorithms during the design phase.


GNSS field test bed

A GNSS field test bed is a ground-based infrastructure enabling the testing of GNSS equipment (receivers, antennas etc.) or applications under representative real field conditions.


Software (SW) receiver

A software receiver is a software tool potentially supported by hardware, simulating the behaviour of a GNSS receiver. Various parameters may be included to modify the GNSS signals processed, algorithms implemented, etc. GNSS signals used at the input of these tools may take different forms, and can be considered at different level of the signal processing chain. These inputs may come from various sources (software generated; real digitalised GNSS signals, real time processed thanks to hardware front-end equipment, etc.).


Signal recorder

A GNSS signal recorder is a pice of equipment or facility dedicated to the acquisition and storage of real GNSS signals for later use during testing procedures.


Signal propagation simulator

A signal propagation simulator is a tool simulating wave propagation (including reflexion, absorption, interferences…) in a modelling environment. This kind of tool is used to validate or design the algorithms used to mitigate the impact of the environment at local (receiver) level.


Service volume simulator

A GNSS service volume simulator is a tool or facility dedicated to the simulation and/or evaluation of performances achieved by GNSS constellations. Constellation simulation refers to satellite constellation definition and modelling. Performances to be assessed may include: service volume, DOP calculation, orbital parameters, time accuracy, ionosphere, troposphere, integrity, precision, etc.


Test bench for receivers

Test bench tools are dedicated to the evaluation and benchmarking of receivers against performance criteria. They can be used during validation and quality control.


Hardware receiver or front-end

A hardware receiver is a whole GNSS receiver. Front-end is only the RF part of a GNSS receiver. This kind of equipment is useful for developing GNSS based applications.


Anechoic chamber

An anechoic chamber is a room designed to completely absorb reflections of sound or electromagnetic waves and which is, in addition, isolated from the surrounding environment. It can be used for GNSS testing purposes.


What does the tool status mean?

The following definitions describe the status identified by the manufacturer in terms of tool commercialisation and technical supportability:

  • Development: Tool is in its initial development stages. Tool technical capabilities have been already defined and set down, being this information offered for user awareness.
  • Testing: Tool is in its latest development stages, so, expected soon for mass production and commercialisation for user purchase or lease/rent.
  • Operational: Tool is commercially available and technically supported by the manufacturer or authorised distributors (either for purchasing or leasing/renting).
  • Decommissioning: Tool is no longer commercially available, but still technically supported by the manufacturer.
